ORDER of 18.02.2020 № 158 On leaving an application for obtaining a license to conduct security activities without consideration



18.02.2020 Kyiv № 158


On leaving an application for a license to conduct security activities without consideration



VIKTOR OLEKSIYOVYCH, FOP CHIZHOV, addressed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with an application for the issuance of a license to conduct security activities.

According to the results of consideration of the application, the grounds for leaving it without consideration were established, namely the presence in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations of the record dated 12.02.2020 № 20720060002050447 on the state registration of termination of entrepreneurial activity of an INDIVIDUAL — ENTREPRENEUR CHIZHOV VIKTOR ALEKSIYOVICH (place residence: Yakuba Kolasa Street, building 21, Kyiv city, 03148, registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 3206923574).

In view of the foregoing and in accordance with paragraph 4 of part 2 of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities”




1. Leave without consideration the application dated February 07, 2020 No. 83-2020 for obtaining a license to conduct security activities of an INDIVIDUAL — ENTREPRENEUR CHIZHOV VIKTOR ALEKSIYOVICH (place of residence: Yakuba Kolasa Street, house 21, Kyiv city, 03148, registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and other mandatory payments 3206923574).

2. Department of Communication (Shevchenko A. B.) ensure the posting of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the publication of the working day following the decision on the day of the decision.

3. Licensing Administration (Kamyshanov V. I.) to ensure control over the execution of this order.


Deputy Minister Serhiy HONCHAROV