Order of 05.06.2020 №440 On approval of the list of information to be disclosed in the form of open data, the administrator of which is the Ministry of Internal Affairs



05.06.2020 Kyiv № 440


On the approval of the List of information to be disclosed in the form of open data administered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Requirements for the formats of datasets to be disclosed in the form of open data, the administrator of which is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Pursuant to Article 10¹ of the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 21, 2015 No. 835 “On Approval of the Regulation on Data Sets to be Disclosed in the Form of Open Data” (as amended)



1. Approve the List of information to be disclosed in the form of open data, administered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, attached (hereinafter referred to as the List).

2. Approve Requirements for the formats of datasets to be published in the form of open data managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, attached (hereinafter — Requirements).

3. Heads of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (Chechotkin M. O.), Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (Deyneko S. V.), Main service center (Knyazjuk O. G.), the State Research Expert and Forensic Center (Krymchuk S. G.), the State Research Institute (Verbenskyj M. G.) and structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in accordance with the powers to provide:

1) collection and generalization of data sets defined by the List, in compliance with the approved Requirements;

2) sending data sets in electronic form, in compliance with the formats and deadlines established by the List, to the Department of Informatization for publication.

4. Department of Informatization (Bondarenko I. P.) to ensure:

1) publication and updating of data sets defined by the List, in compliance with the deadlines established by the List, on the Unified State Open Data Web Portal;

2) conducting an annual assessment of the state of publication and updating of open data on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on the Unified State Open Data Web Portal.

5. Department of Communication (Shevchenko A. V.) ensure the publication of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine within a week from the date of its signing.

6. Control over the execution of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Goncharov S. M.

Minister Arsen AVAKOV

Requirements for the formats of datasets to be published in the form of open data, the administrator of which is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

List of information to be disclosed in the form of open data, managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine