ORDER of 02.01.2020 №3 On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities



02.01.2020 Kyiv № 3



On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities


In accordance with Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities” (hereinafter — the Law), a one-time fee in the amount of one subsistence minimum is charged for issuing a license, based on the size of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons, which is valid on the day of the decision to issue a license. The fee for issuing a license is paid by the licensee no later than ten working days from the date of publication on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the decision to issue a license.

Licensees confirm the payment of the fee for issuing a license by submitting to the Ministry of Internal Affairs the relevant document, which is a copy of the receipt issued by the bank, a copy of the payment order with the bank's mark, a receipt from the payment terminal, a receipt (check) issued by the post office of communication. Non-payment of the fee for issuing a license in accordance with paragraph 10 of part two of Article 16 of the Law is the basis for deciding to cancel the license.

In view of the foregoing and in accordance with Article 6 of the Law and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On Approval of the List of Licensing Bodies and Recognition as Invalid Certain Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”




  1. Issue a license for the conduct of security activities:

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “ML GUARD” (identification code 42993261; location: Kyrylivska street, 82, office 256, Kyiv city, 04080; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in Podolsky district/Podolsky district/22011800, recipient code 37975298, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA228999980000034310896070542, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY COMPANY “EUROGUARD” (identification code 43399373; location: Alexey Terekhina Street, building 8-A, Kyiv city, 04080; settlement details for payment of license issuance fee: recipient of UC in Podolsky district/Podolsky district/220122012 1800, beneficiary code 37975298, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA228999980000034310896070542, classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “SECURITY SERVICE 005” (identification code 42706636; location: Revutskoho street, building 5, apartment 265, Kyiv city, 02068; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Darnytsky district/Darnytsky district/22011800, recipient code 38021179, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA748999980000034314896070537, classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “SECURITY SERVICE 004” (identification code 42706552; location: Revutskoho street, building 5, apartment 265, Kyiv city, 02068; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Darnytsky district/Darnytsky district/22011800, recipient code 38021179, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA748999980000034314896070537, classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “SECURITY SERVICE 003” (identification code 42706510; location: Revutskoho street, building 5, apartment 265, Kyiv city, 02068; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Darnytsky district/Darnytsky district/22011800, recipient code 38021179, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA748999980000034314896070537, classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “SECURITY SERVICE 002” (identification code 42706039; location: Revutskoho street, building 5, apartment 265, Kyiv city, 02068; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Darnytskyi raion/Darnytskyi district/22011800, recipient code 38021179, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA748999980000034314896070537, classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “SECURITY SERVICE 001” (identification code 42706498; location: Revutskoho street, building 5, apartment 265, Kyiv city, 02068; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Darnytskyi district/Darnytskyi district/22011800, recipient code 38021179, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA748999980000034314896070537, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY SERVICE “FORTRESS” (identification code 43403604; location: Kurska Street, building 10, Kyiv city, 03049; payment details for payment of license: UC recipient in Solomenskiy rayon/Solomyansky district/22011800, code recipient 38050812, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA938999980000034318896070544, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY COMPANY “PROMETEY” (identification code 43402773; location: Mykilsko-Slobidska street, building 2-B, Kyiv city, 02002; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in Dniprovsky district/Dniprovsky district/Dniprovsky district/22011800, beneficiary code 38012871, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA138999980000034312896070539, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY SERVICE “BEST SECURITY” (identification code 43403316; location: Kruglouniversitietska street, building 14, Kyiv city, 01024; settlement details for payment of license: UC recipient in Pechersky district/Pechersky district/Pechersky district/22011800, beneficiary code 38004897, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA048999980000034311896070541, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY COMPANY “WHITE TOWER” (identification code 43399408; location: Sichovykh Striltsiv street, house 4 A, Kyiv city, 04053; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in Shevchenkivskyi raion/Shevchenkivskyi district district/22011800, beneficiary code 37995466, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA148999980000034317896070545, classification code 22011800);

NATURAL PERSON — ENTREPRENEUR OF PRUSSIA IGOR PETROVICH (place of residence: Soborna street, house 31, village Hnidyn, Boryspil district, Kyiv region, 08340, registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 2681717310; calculation details for payment of license issuance fee: Borispilske UK/City of Boryspil/22011800, beneficiary code 38007070, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA758999980000034318896170002, classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “ZUBR — K” (identification code 43410784; location: Titova street, house 13, apartment 21, city Dnipro, 49055; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Soborny district of Dnipro/Soborny district/22011800, code recipient 37989269, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA568999980000034314896070667, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SPECIAL GROUP” (identification code 43321134; location: Shevchenko Boulevard, building 10-A, office 2, Zaporozhye city, 69037; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in the Voznesenivsky district of the city Zaporizhzhia/Voznesenivskyi raion/22011800, beneficiary code 38025409, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA938999980000034319896070219, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “OBERIG ZAPORIZHZHIA REGION” (identification code 43381586; location: Mira Street, house 178, urban-type settlement Balabyne, Zaporizhzhya district, Zaporizhzhya region, 70435; settlement details for payment of license issuance fee: recipient of the UIA Zaporozhye district/Zaporizhzhya district/22011800, beneficiary code 38025393, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA968999980000034317896070233, classification code 22011800);

VERES SECURITY KHERSON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (identification code 43364733; location: Ushakova street, house 69 A, apartment 44, Kherson city, 73022; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in Kherson/City of Kherson/City of Kherson/City of Kherson/22011800, beneficiary code 37959779, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA258999980000034312896070614, classification code 22011800);

NATURAL PERSON — ENTREPRENEUR KUZNETSOV OLEG VASYLOVYCH (place of residence: Itskhak Rabin Street, house 37, apartment 46, Odessa city, 65072, registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 2319219679; calculation details for payment of license: recipient of UC in Odessa/Malinovsky district/22011800, recipient code 38016923, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA818999980000034319896070435, classification code 22011800);

MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISE “MUNICIPAL GUARD” DALNITSKY VILLAGE COUNCIL OF OVIDIOPOLSKY DISTRICT OF ODESSA REGION (identification code 43305463; location: Druzhby street, house 126, village Dalnik, Ovidiopolsky district, Odessa region, 67842; settlement details for payment of payment license issuance: recipient of UC in Ovidiopol district/Ovidiopol district/22011800, recipient code 38016923 37929461, recipient's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), account number UA968999980000034316896070461, classification code 22011800).


2. Department of Communication (Shevchenko A. B.) ensure the posting of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the publication of the working day following the decision on the day of the decision.


3. Licensing Administration (Kamyshanov V. I.) to ensure control over the execution of this order.



Deputy Minister Serhiy GONCHAROV