Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated 30.08.2016 №878 “On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities”




30 .0 8 .2016

m. Kyiv



On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities


In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On Approval of the List of Licensing Bodies and Recognition as Invalid Certain Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”


1. Issue a license for the conduct of security activities:

limited liability company “BORDER OF FREEDOM” (identification code 40482154, location: str. Volodymyr Verbytskogo, Bud. 35-B, sq. 154, m. Dnipro, 49000);

Limited Liability Company “EAST HOLDING” (identification code 40672679, location: ave. Nikopolsky, Bud. 75-A, m. Mariupol, Donetsk region, 87504);

limited liability company “GOLD PROTECTION” (identification code 40641661, location: str. Academician Williams, Bud. 6-D, m. Kiev, 03189);

limited liability company “SECURITY COMPANY “LEGIONER” (identification code 40665132, location: str. Kurenivska, bud. 21, m. Kiev, 04173);

limited liability company “SECURITY COMPANY “RELIABLE PROTECTION” (identification code 40649901, location: str. Zvirynetska, 63, m. Kiev, 01014);

limited liability company “GOLD SECURITY” (identification code 40642094, location: str. Yakira, Bud. 10-A, office 13/1, m. Kiev, 04119);

the limited liability company “BODIGARD SECURITY” (identification code 40641792, location: str. Yevhen Konovalets, 29, m. Kiev, 01133);

limited liability company “SILVER GUARD” (identification code 40642005, location: str. Nikolay Shepeleva, building 6, m. Kiev, 03061);

limited liability company “VAP-BEZEMKA” (identification code 35873040, location: str. Dreiser, 34/51, sq. 261, m. Kiev, 02222);

1935 To a separate detachment of the reduced composition of 26 of the Unified Detachment of the State Specialized Transport Service (1935 OZM 26 OZ of the State Special Transport Service) (identification code 33248472, location: st. Kryvyi Rih highway, building 2, m. Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk region, 49035);

1936 Separate Mechanization Detachment 26 of the Unified Detachment of the State Specialized Transport Service (1936 OZM 26 OZ of the State Special Transport Service) (identification code 33179027, location: st. Ivan Sirka, 80, m. Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, 50083);

private enterprise “ALFA-SERVICE” (identification code 40747953, location: st. Steblivska, 5, m. Kherson, 73016);

natural person-entrepreneur GENERAL ALEXANDER VALERIYOVICH (identification number 2867214930, location: st. Plekhanova, 17, m. Slavyansk, Donetsk region, 84107).

2. Department of Communications (Shevchenko A.V.) to ensure the posting of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for publication.

3. The Licensing Office (Kamyshanov V.I.) within three working days to notify license applicants about the decision made and ensure control over the execution of this order.


Deputy Minister


S.A. Spring