Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 29.03.2016 №222 “On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities”




m. Kyiv


On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities


In accordance with the Law of Ukraine of March 02, 2015
No. 222-VIII “On Licensing of Business Activities” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On Approval of the List of Licensing Bodies and Recognition as Invalid Certain Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”


1. Issue a license for the conduct of security activities:

limited liability company “SECURITY AJAX PLUS” (identification code 39946709, location: str. Khmelnitsky highway, 15, room 1102, m. Vinnytsia, 21000);

private security enterprise “VIKTORIYA” (identification code 32467435, location: st. Kievskaya, 54, sq. 35, m. Zhytomyr, 10030);

limited liability company “SECURITY HOLDING” (identification code 40293728, location: str. South highway, 74, m. Zaporozhye, 69008);

Limited Liability Company “STATUS ALTRIA GROUP” (identification code 40089770, location: str. Gagarina, 6, room 1, m. Zaporozhye, 69005);

limited liability company “SCORPION-SB” (identification code 40276262, location: str. Harkushi, 36, office 9, m. Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018);

limited liability company “SECURITY FIRM “ARTE-PS” (identification code 40349656, location: str. Belvedere, 12, m. Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018);

limited liability company “GARANT SECURITY LTD” (identification code 39946520, location: str. Henerala Tupikova, 5, m. Kiev, 03067);

limited liability company “88/99Т” (identification code 36772381, location: str. Pleshcheeva, 10, m. Kiev, 03045);

limited liability company “SECURITY COMPANY “CENTURION-SECURITY” (identification code 40267242, location: str. Yakira, 13, m. Kiev, 04119);

to the state enterprise “DESIGN BUREAU “ARTILLERY ARMAMENT” (identification code 34297075, location: st. Vadym Hetmana, 6, m. Kiev, 03057);

Limited Liability Company “TECHNOGRUP-M” (identification code 40252482, location: str. Kommunistichna, 25, m. Kiev, 02088);

limited liability company “SERVICE SECURITY” (identification code 40260996, location: str. Zhylianska, 24, m. Kiev, 01033);

limited liability company “KOMBAT “BEZEMKA-21" (identification code 40361635, location: str. Boryspilska, 11-A, office 901, m. Kiev, 02093);

limited liability company “SECURITY COMPANY “PROTECTION OF THE CAPITAL” (identification code 40266411, location: Pecherskyi uzviz, 5, office 109, m. Kiev, 01601);

limited liability company “PRIVATE SECURITY COMBAT” (identification code 40354261, location: str. Boryspilska, 11-A, office 901, m. Kiev, 02093);

limited liability company “SECURITY FIRM “SOKOL” (identification code 40277842, location: str. Yaroslaviv Val, 13/2, letter B, office 2, m. Kiev, 01054);

limited liability company “VELES AGRUP” (identification code 40286024, location: str. Solomyanskaya, 22, Kiev, 03110);

to the private enterprise “VINKO CL” (identification code 40248717, location: Chernihivskyi quarter, 7, sq. 17, city. Slavutych, Kyiv region, 07100);

military unit 3070 of the National Guard of Ukraine (identification code 40163246, location: s. Stare, Boryspil district, Kyiv region, 08362);

Limited Liability Company “OMNIUM” (identification code 39998815, location: str. Pidmurna, 5, sq. 4-A, m. Lviv, 79019);

limited liability company “GROM 7" (identification code 40229668, location: str. Transportnaya, 5, office 112, m. Odessa, 65017);

limited liability company “ASENOS” (identification code 40320028, location: str. Literary, 1-A, m. Odessa, 65062);

limited liability company “MODERN PRODUCTION AND TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION “PROTECTION” (identification code 40243944, location: str. Poltava Way, 31, m. Kharkiv, 61052);

private enterprise “DOZOR SB” (identification code 40354888, location: ave. Jubilee, 54-A, m. Kharkiv, 61153);

to the private enterprise “LEGION CENTER” (identification code 40297104, location: st. Kolomenskaya, 7, sq. 3, m. Uman, Cherkasy region, 20300).

2. Control over the execution of the order is entrusted to the Licensing Office (Kamyshanov V.I.).


Deputy Minister - Head of Staff


O.V. Tahtai