Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 15.01.2016 No. 21 “On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities”




Jan 15, 2016

m. Kyiv



On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities


In accordance with the Law of Ukraine of March 02, 2015 No. 222-VIII “On Licensing of Business Activities” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On Approval of the List of Licensing Bodies and Recognition as Invalid Certain Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”



  1. Issue a license for the conduct of security activities:

Limited Liability Company “MAIN FINANCE GROUP” (identification code 39932759, location: str. Kikvidze, 12-A, office 117, m. Kiev, 01103);

limited liability company “GARD — SECURITY” (identification code 40135837, location: str. Boryspilska, 6, office 347, m. Kiev, 02099);

limited liability company “ARVAD” (identification code 40122655, location: str. Simona Petlyury, 30, m. Kiev, 01032);

limited liability company “SECURITY AND SECURITY SERVICE “AVANGARD” (identification code 40161626, location: str. Pushkinskaya, 11, office 9, m. Kiev, 01034);

limited liability company “SECURITY SERVICE “OMEGA — SECURITY” (identification code 40134126, location: str. Bulvarno-Kudryavskaya, 37, office 27, m. Kiev, 01054);

limited liability company “INDIVIDUAL — SECURITY” (identification code 40133625, location: str. Shota Rustaveli, 31-B, office 26, m. Kiev, 01033);

the limited liability company “SECURITY COMPANY “LEADER” (identification code 40133541, location: str. Shota Rustaveli, 31-B, office 26, m. Kiev, 01033);

the limited liability company “SECURITY ALLIANCE “SWORD” (identification code 40133557, location: str. Shota Rustaveli, 31-B, office 26, m. Kiev, 01033);

the limited liability company “STONE — SECURITY” (identification code 40140611, location: str. Sichovykh Striltsiv, 49, office 11, m. Kiev, 04053);

limited liability company “ALABAMA — SECURITY” (identification code 40195938, location: str. Smilyanska, 7, m. Kiev, 03151);

limited liability company “BISON — SECURITY” (identification code 40187108, location: str. Smilyanska, 7, m. Kiev, 03151);

limited liability company “DIAMOND — SECURITY” (identification code 40195901, location: str. Smilyanska, 7, m. Kiev, 03151);

limited liability company “ATALANTA LUX” (identification code 40179099, location: str. Chigorina, 49, building 82, office 4, m. Kiev, 01042);

limited liability company “MAX I MAX — SECURITY” (identification code 40150478, location: ave. Marshal Zhukova, 23, office 1, m. Odessa, 65101).

2. Control over the execution of the order is entrusted to the Licensing Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Kamyshanov V.I.).


Deputy Minister — Head of the O/P

O.V. Tahtai