ORDER № 935 On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities



08.11.2019 Kyiv № 935

On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities

In accordance with Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities” (hereinafter — the Law), a one-time fee in the amount of one subsistence minimum is charged for issuing a license, based on the size of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons, which is valid on the day of the decision to issue a license. The fee for issuing a license is paid by the licensee no later than ten working days from the date of publication on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the decision to issue a license.

Licensees confirm the payment of the fee for issuing a license by submitting to the Ministry of Internal Affairs the relevant document, which is a copy of the receipt issued by the bank, a copy of the payment order with the bank's mark, a receipt from the payment terminal, a receipt (check) issued by the post office of communication. Non-payment of the fee for issuing a license in accordance with paragraph 10 of part two of Article 16 of the Law is the basis for deciding to cancel the license.

In view of the foregoing and in accordance with Article 6 of the Law and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On Approval of the List of Licensing Bodies and Recognition as Invalid Certain Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”


1. Issue a license for the conduct of security activities:

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “BUREAU OF PROTECTION “CONGRESS” (identification code 43303508; location: Dyachenko Street, building 20-B, apartment 93, Kyiv city, 02088; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in Darnytskyi district/Darnytsky district/22011800, code recipient 38021179, recipient's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA748999980000034314896070537, classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “SECURITY 222” (identification code 43302834; location: Svitla Street, building 3-D, Kyiv city, 02121; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Darnitsky district/Darnytsky district/22011800, recipient code 38021179, recipient bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA748999980000034314896070537, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY GROUP 2019" (identification code 43297196; location: Anna Akhmatova Street, building 13-D, Kyiv city, 02068; settlement details for paying for license issuance: UC recipient in Darnytskyi raion/Darnytskyi district/22011800, recipient code 38021179, recipient bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA748999980000034314896070537, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “TACTICAL GUARD” (identification code 43290185; location: Revutskoho street, house 12/1, Kyiv city, 02068; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Darnytskyi raion/Darnytskyi district/22011800, receiving code recipient 38021179, recipient's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA748999980000034314896070537, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “REGIONAL SECURITY SERVICE” (identification code 43243690; location: Kruglouniversitietska street, building 7, office 28, Kyiv city, 01024; settlement details for payment of license fee: UC recipient in Pechersky district/Pechersky district/2201220122012 1800, recipient code 38004897, recipient bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA048999980000034311896070541, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “CONGRESS OF SECURITY” (identification code 43285987; location: Mykhaila Boichuka Street, building 14-B, letter A, office 7, Kyiv city, 01103; payment details for payment of license: recipient of UCERK in Pechek District/Pecherskyi raion/22011800, recipient code 38004897, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA048999980000034311896070541, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SARTR” (identification code 43306619; location: Mykhaila Hrushevskoho street, house 28/2, no. 43, Kyiv city, 01021; payment details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in Pechersky district/Pechersky district n/22011800, recipient code 38004897, recipient bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA048999980000034311896070541, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “BONA FIDE SOLUTIONS” (identification code 21635300; location: Petro Kurinnoho Street, building 2-A, office 5, Kyiv city, 03148; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in Svyatoshinsky district/Svyatoshyns'kyi district district/22011800, recipient code 37962074, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA758999980000034319896070543, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY FIRM FAVORITE PLUS” (identification code 43232914; location: Olzhycha street, house 27/22, office 3/1, Kyiv city, 04060; settlement details for payment of license issuance fee: recipient of the UC in Shevchenkivskyi district/Sheh Vchenkivskyi raion/22011800, recipient code 37995466, recipient bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA148999980000034317896070545, classification code 22011800);

NATURAL PERSON — ENTREPRENEUR EFIMTSEV IGOR YURIYOVYCH (place of residence: Vatutina Street, house 5, Bucha city, Kyiv region, 08292, registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 2451411198; calculation details for payment of the fee for the issuance of the license: recipient of the UU Registration number in Irpin/Bucha City/22011800, recipient code 37911135, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA928999980000034311896070994, classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “GARANT VS” (identification code 43306074; location: Ally Horska Street, building 4, building A, Vasylkiv city, Kyiv region, 08601; settlement details for payment of license: recipient Vasylkivske UK/City of Vasylkiv/22012012 1800, recipient code 37886067, recipient bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA568999980000034313896070992, classification code 22011800);

NATURAL PERSON — ENTREPRENEUR BEREZKA VITALIY VALERIYOVYCH (place of residence: Levanevtsiv street, house 25/21, apartment 16, city of Nikolaev, 54038, registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 2828613833; calculation details for payment of license issuance fee: UC representative in Mykolaiv/Zavodskyi raion/22011800, recipient code 37992781, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA968999980000034318896170109, classification code 22011800);

NATURAL PERSON — ENTREPRENEUR POPOVICH EVGENIA MIKHAILOVYCH (place of residence: Kuznetska Street, 52, apartment 19, Nikolaev city, 54042, registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 2455315638; calculation details for payment of license issuance fee: recipient UC in Mykolaiv/Zavodskyi raion/22011800, recipient code 37992781, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA968999980000034318896170109, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SPECIAL UNIT “GROM” (identification code 43232631; location: Transportnaya street, building 5/1, office 115, Odessa city, 65039; settlement details for paying for license issuance: recipient of the UC in Odessa/Primorsky district/22011800, recipient code 38016923, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA028999980000034318896070436, classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “FORPOST PODILLYA” (identification code 43227899; location: Shevchenko street, house 46, apartment 73, Khmelnytskyi city, 29000; settlement details for payment of license: UC recipient in Khmelnytsky/City of Khmelnytskyi Tskiy/22011800, recipient code 38045529, beneficiary's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA608999980000034318896070265, classification code 22011800);

NATURAL PERSON — ENTREPRENEUR SURKOV YURIY OLEKSIYOVYCH (place of residence: Obizhdza street, house 116, building 1, apartment 1, Nizhyn city, Chernihiv region, 16600, registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and other mandatory payments 2105119993; settlement details for payment of payment license issuance: recipient Nizhynske UK/City of Nizhyn/22011800, recipient code 37716092, recipient's bank Treasury of Ukraine (EAP), bank code 899998, account number (IBAN) UA178999980000034314896070399, classification code 22011800).

2. Department of Communication (Shevchenko A. B.) ensure the posting of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the publication of the working day following the decision on the day of the decision.

3. Licensing Administration (Kamyshanov V. I.) to ensure control over the execution of this order.

Deputy Minister Serhiy GONCHAROV