Order No. 54 of 25.01.2017 “On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities”



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m. Kyiv

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On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On Approval of the List of Licensing Bodies and Recognition as Invalid Certain Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”


1. Issue a license for the conduct of security activities:

limited liability company “MEDA GROUP” (identification code 40991189; location: Anna Akhmatova street, house 35, office 273, Kyiv city, 02095; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Darnitsky district/Darnitsky district/2K 2011800, recipient code 38021179, bank of the recipient of the GOODCS of Ukraine in Kyiv city, bank code 820019, account number 33214896770003, classification code 22011800);

limited liability company “MEGAPOLIS SECURITY” (identification code 40995843; location: Lva Tolstoho Street, building 63, office 15, Kyiv city, 03035; settlement details for payment of license issuance fee: recipient of UC in Solomyansky district/Solomiansky rayon /22011800, recipient code 38050812, bank of the recipient of the GOODCS of Ukraine in Kyiv city, bank code 820019, account number 33218896770010, classification code 22011800);

limited liability company “SECURITY COMPANY “SECURITY EXPERT” (identification code 41068070; location: Zvirynetska street, building 63, Kyiv city, 01014; settlement details for payment of license: UC recipient in Pechersky district/Pechersky district/22011800, code recipient 38004897, bank of the recipient of the GOODCS of Ukraine in the city of Kyiv, bank code 820019, account number 33210896770007, classification code 22011800);

individual — entrepreneur KAZAKOV VITALIY SERHIYOVYCH (registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 3157516917; location: Bereznyakivska Street, building 16-A, apartment 132, Kyiv city, 02152; settlement details for payment of the license: recipient of the UC in the Dnieper Provskyi raion/Dniprovskyi raion/22011800, recipient code 38012871, beneficiary bank of the GOODCS of Ukraine in Kyiv city, bank code 820019, account number 33212896770005, classification code 22011800);

to the limited liability company “KOLCHUGA” SECURITY SERVICE (identification code 41052736; location: Dubnivska Street, house 22, Lutsk city, Volyn region, 43000; settlement details for payment of license: recipient of the UC in Lutsk/City of Lutsk/City of Lutsk/City of Lutsk/22011800, recipient code 38009628, bank of the recipient of the GOODCS of Ukraine in Volyn region, bank code 803014, account number 33210896770002, classification code 22011800);

Limited Liability Company “VICTORIA — 2017” (identification code 40977342; location: 3-y Chudnivskyi lane, house 16, Zhytomyr city, 10014; settlement details for payment of license fee: UC recipient in Zhytomyr/City of Zhytomyr/22011800, recipient code 38035726, bank of the recipient of the GOODCS of Ukraine in Zhytomyr region, bank code 8110398, account number 33215896770002, classification code 22011800);

limited liability company “SECURITY AGENCY “CENTER — 97" (identification code 41033776; location: Novoselskogo street, building 64, Odessa city, 65023; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Odessa/Primorsky district/22011800, recipient code recipient 38016923, bank of the recipient of the GOODCS of Ukraine in Odessa region, bank code 828011, account number 33211896770008, classification code 22011800);

limited liability company “YAVIR — 2000 PROTECTION” (identification code 40975591; location: Heroiv Dnipra Avenue, house 89, Gorishni Plavni city, Poltava region, 39803; settlement details for payment of license issuance fee: recipient of the UC in Komsomos Lsko/City Komsomolsk/22011800, recipient code 37802029, beneficiary bank of the GOODCS of Ukraine in Poltava region, bank code 831019, account number 33211896770006, classification code 22011800);

an individual — entrepreneur of VLASYUK BOHDAN IVANOVYCH (registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and other mandatory payments 2986414737; location: Tolstoho street, house 4, V/CH A-0553, city Khmelnytskyi, 29000; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient of UC in Khmelnytsky/city of Khmelnytskyi/22011800, recipient code 38045529, bank of the recipient of the GOODCS of Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region, bank code 815013, account number 33219896770002, classification code 22011800);

SAAR PLUS Limited Liability Company (identification code 40658130; location: Tychyny Street, building 50, Uman city, Cherkasy region, 20301; settlement details for payment of license fee: recipient Umanske UK/city of Uman/22011800, recipient code 37960695, the beneficiary's bank of the GOODCS of Ukraine in Cherkasy region, bank code 854018, account number 33217896770010, classification code 22011800).

2. Department of Communications (Shevchenko A.V.) to ensure the posting of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for publication on the next working day.

3. The licensing department (Kamyshanov V.I.) to ensure control over the execution of this order.


Deputy Minister


T.I. Kovalchuk