Order No. 192 of 18.03.2019 “On leaving without consideration the application for the issuance of a license for the conduct of security activities”



m. Kyiv

№ 192

On leaving without consideration the application for the issuance of a license for the conduct of security activities

The State Enterprise of Alcohol and Liquor Industry “UKRSPYRT” (hereinafter referred to as “UKRSPYRT”) applied to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the issuance of a license to conduct security activities.

Based on the results of consideration of the application, it was established that there were grounds for leaving it without consideration.

Thus, in violation of subclause 2 of paragraph 6 of the License Conditions approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 18, 2015 No. 960, a copy of the work book of Horodotsky Y. was provided. B., who, according to the submitted documents, will perform the functions of a specialist in the organization of security measures, does not contain a record of appointment to the post of director of the Chervonoslobid branch of SE “UKRSPYRT”.

It is possible to eliminate the shortcomings by providing a copy of the employment contract or an extract from the work book of Horoditsky Y. B., certified by the business entity, containing the corresponding entry of the appointment.

In view of the foregoing and in accordance with paragraph 1, paragraph 2 of the second paragraph of part 2 of the second article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On licensing of economic activities”


1. Leave without consideration the application dated March 14, 2019 № 170-2019 for obtaining a license for the conduct of security activities of the state enterprise of the alcohol and liquor industry “UKRSPYRT” (identification code 37199618, location: Gagarina Street, house 16, Brovary city, Kyiv region, 07400).

2. Department of Communication (Shevchenko A. B.) ensure the posting of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the publication of the working day following the decision on the day of the decision.

3. Licensing Administration (Kamyshanov V. I.) to ensure control over the execution of this order.

Deputy Minister


S. M. Goncharov