ORDER № 170 On Amendments to the Instruction on the Procedure for Keeping Records, Storage, Use and Destruction of Documents and Other Material Media Containing Official Information in the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine



11.03.2019 m. Kyiv № 170

On amendments to the Instruction on the procedure for keeping records, storage, use and destruction of documents and other material means of information containing official information in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 19, 2016 No. 736 “On Approval of the Standard Instruction on the Procedure for Keeping Records, Storage, Use and Destruction of Documents and Other Material Media Containing Official Information”, paragraph 9 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, approved by the Decree Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 28, 2015 № 878 (with amendments), in order to bring the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into compliance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine


1. Make the following amendments to the Instruction on the procedure for keeping records, storage, use and destruction of documents and other material means of information containing official information in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of February 03, 2017 No. 88:

(1) the third paragraph of paragraph 9 of Chapter V shall be worded as follows:

“Reproduction of documents with the stamp “For official use” issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is carried out with the permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs for European Integration, State Secretary the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine or persons replacing them”;

(2) Paragraph 11 of Section V shall be worded as follows:

“A document with the stamp “For official use”, obtained from another institution for processing simultaneously in several structural units, is copied with the permission of the head of the Department of Documentation of Service Activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine or the person who replaces it, if the institution that develops the document has not established the prevention of its reproduction.”

2. Department of Communication (Shevchenko A. B.) ensure the publication of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

3. Control over the execution of this order is entrusted to the Secretary of State Takhtai O. IN.




Minister A. B. Avakov