Order №1221 dated 21.11.2016 “On approval of annual plans for carrying out state supervision (control) activities by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2017 year”





m. Kyiv



On the approval of annual plans for carrying out state
supervision (control) activities by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2017


In accordance with Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On the basic principles of state supervision (control) in the sphere of economic activity”, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On approval of the list of licensing bodies and recognition as invalid, certain resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”


1. Approve:

1) Annual plan of inspections of licensees compliance with the requirements of the license conditions for conducting economic activities for the production and repair of non-military firearms and their ammunition, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons of caliber over 4.5 millimeters and bullet flight speed of more than 100 meters per second, trade non-military firearms and their ammunition, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons of a caliber exceeding 4.5 millimeters and a bullet flying speed of more than 100 meters per second; production of special equipment loaded with substances tearful and irritable action, personal protection, active defense and their sale, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 02, 2015 No. 1000 (hereinafter referred to as the License Terms), for 2017, which is attached;

2) Annual plan of inspections of compliance by licensees with the requirements of the License Conditions for the Conduct of Security Activities, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 18, 2015 No. 960 (hereinafter referred to as the License Terms), for 2017, which is attached.

2. The Licensing Department (Kamyshanov V.I.) to ensure the organization and conduct of inspections of licensees compliance with the requirements of the License Terms in accordance with the approved annual plans and in the manner specified by the Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles of State Supervision (Control) in the Field of Economic Activity”.

3. Department of Communications (Shevchenko A.V.) ensure the posting and publication of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


I reserve control over the execution of this order.


Deputy Minister — Head of Staff


O.V. Tahtai