Order №1185 dated 09.11.2016 “On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities”



0 9 Nov 2016

m. Kyiv

11 85

On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On Approval of the List of Licensing Bodies and Recognition as Invalid Certain Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”


1. Issue a license for the conduct of security activities:

limited liability company “STAZI” (identification code 40047788, location: str. Shumsky, building 5, apt. 114, Kyiv, 02098);

limited liability company “SYNDICAT MS” (identification code 40813858, location: str. Mechnikov, building 7-A, office 4, Kyiv city, 01133);

Limited Liability Company “REDUT — SECURITY” (identification code 40492377, location: str. Velyka Perspektivnaya, house 84, room 302, city Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad region, 25006);

limited liability company “SB MYROTVORETS” (identification code 40213417, location: Druzhby Narodiv Boulevard, building 5, office 238, Kyiv city, 01042);

limited liability company “SECURITY FIRM “ORLAN” (identification code 40528916, location: str. Yaroslaviv Val, house 13/2/letter B/, Kyiv city, 01054);

limited liability company “OMEGA AUTOPLYUS” (identification code 36140060, location: str. Mendeleeva, house 33, sq. 2, Rubizhne city, Luhansk region, 93000);

limited liability company “COMPREHENSIVE SECURITY AGENCY — SECURITY FIRM” (identification code 40684354, location: Moskovskyi Avenue, 179-B, office 701, Kharkiv city, Kharkiv region, 61068);

limited liability company “VITYAZ — YUG” (identification code 40656395, location: str. Bolshaya Arnautskaya, building 76, office 1, Odessa city, 65045);

individual — entrepreneur HARBOVSKY STANISLAV ANATOLIYOVICH (registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and other mandatory payments 3231524472, location: st. Tymoshenko, building 7, sq. 109, Kyiv, 04212);

individual — entrepreneur OSYTSI VADYM VIKTOROVYCH (registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and other mandatory payments 2581416794, location: st. Novosodivska, house 19, apt. 65, Sloviansk city, Donetsk region, 84101);

private enterprise “REGIONAL SECURITY UNION” (identification code 40868687, location: str. Borysa Hmyri, house 1/2, sq. 64, Kyiv, 02140);

private enterprise “AGENCY SECURITY SHERIFF” (identification code 40579557, location: str. Sosnytska, house 1/44, Kyiv, 02090);

private enterprise “SECURITY — LEGAL COMPANY SHERIFF” (identification code 40405478, location: str. Sosnytska, house 1/44, Kyiv, 02090);

to the private enterprise “REMOTE GUARD SHERIFF” (identification code 40405420, location: st. Sosnytska, house 1/44, Kyiv, 02090);

private enterprise “ELITE SECURITY SERVICE” (identification code 40388971, location: st. Olena Pchilki, building 2-B, apt. 501, Kyiv, 02081);

private enterprise “SECURITY ENTERPRISE GERONT” (identification code 40388919, location: str. Olena Pchilki, building 2-B, apt. 501, Kyiv, 02081).

2. Department of Communications (Shevchenko A.V.) to ensure the posting of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for publication.

3. The Licensing Office (Kamyshanov V.I.) within three working days to notify license applicants about the decision made and ensure control over the execution of this order.

Deputy Minister — Head of Staff


O.V. Tahtai