Order No. 1056 dated 22.12.2017 “On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities”




22. 12 .201 7

m. Kyiv



On the issuance of licenses for the conduct of security activities

In accordance with Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities” (hereinafter — the Law), a one-time fee in the amount of one subsistence minimum is charged for issuing a license, based on the size of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons, which is valid on the day of the decision to issue a license. The fee for issuing a license is paid by the licensee no later than ten working days from the date of publication on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the decision to issue a license.

Licensees confirm the payment of the fee for issuing a license by submitting to the Ministry of Internal Affairs the relevant document, which is a copy of the receipt issued by the bank, a copy of the payment order with the bank's mark, a receipt from the payment terminal, a receipt (check) issued by the post office of communication. Non-payment of the fee for issuing a license in accordance with paragraph 10 of part two of Article 16 of the Law is the basis for deciding to cancel the license.

In view of the foregoing and in accordance with Article 6 of the Law and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 05, 2015 No. 609 “On Approval of the List of Licensing Bodies and Recognition as Invalid Certain Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”


1. Issue a license for the conduct of security activities:

to the natural person-entrepreneur of FESCHUK VIKTOR VIKTOROVICH, who lives at the address: ul. Zamarstynivska, 30, sq. 1, m. Lviv, 79019; registration number of the taxpayer's account card and other mandatory payments 24599143983; details for the payment of the fee for the license: recipient of the UC in the Galician district of the city. Lviva/Zaliznychnyi r-n/22011800; recipient code 38007573; GUDKSU recipient's bank in Lviv region; bank code 825014; account number 33218896770004; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “THREE AAA” (str. Verbitskogo, 19, sq. 132, m. Kyiv, 02121, identification code 41741533; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Darnitsky district/Darnitsky district/22011800; recipient code 38021179; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33214896770003; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “DELTA CONGRESS” (str. Leipzig, bud. 5-A, office 23, m. Kyiv, 01015, identification code 41623989; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Pechersk district/Pechersk district/22011800; recipient code 38004897; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33210896770007; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY GROUP “KYIV-CENTER” (str. Kurenovskaya, bud. 2-B, m. Kyiv, 04073, identification code 41779408; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Obolonsky district/Obolonsky district/22011800; recipient code 38002491; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33211896770006; classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “GUARD 007" (35 Obolonsky Avenue, st. Kyiv, 04205, identification code 41756864; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Obolonsky district/Obolonsky district/22011800; recipient code 38002491; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33211896770006; classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “SECURITY -008" (Obolonsky Avenue, 35, m. Kyiv, 04205, identification code 41757014; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Obolonsky district/Obolonsky district/22011800; recipient code 38002491; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33211896770006; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SERVICE OF PROTECTION OF INTERESTS “LEGION IX” (str. Vasily Stusa, 35-37, m. Kyiv, 03142, identification code 41742153; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Svyatoshinsky district/Svyatoshinsky district/22011800; recipient code 37962074; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33218896770009; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “KOMPANIA-ARSENAL” (str. Sichovykh Striltsiv, 77, m. Kyiv, 04053, identification code 41704863; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Shevchenko district/Shevchenko district/22011800; recipient code 37995466; beneficiary's bank GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33217896770011; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY AGENCY “ELIT-GROUP” (str. Borschagovskaya, building 8, sq. 2, m. Kyiv, 03056, identification code 41761680; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Shevchenko district/Shevchenko district/22011800; recipient code 37995466; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33217896770011; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “SECURITY AGENCY “ELIT-SERVICE” (str. Borschagovskaya, building 8, sq. 2, m. Kyiv, 03056, identification code 41761628; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Shevchenko district/Shevchenko district/22011800; recipient code 37995466; beneficiary's bank GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33217896770011; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “MAINSTREAM GROUP” (str. Zoological, bud. 4-A, office 139, m. Kyiv, 04119, identification code 39457842; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Shevchenko district/Shevchenko district/22011800; recipient code 37995466; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33217896770011; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “VENBEST-SECURITY 9" (Peremohy Avenue, 90/1, m. Kyiv, 03062, identification code 41799227; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Shevchenko district/Shevchenko district/22011800; recipient code 37995466; beneficiary's bank GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33217896770011; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “VENBEST-SECURITY 10" (Peremohy Avenue, 90/1, m. Kyiv, 03062, identification code 41803285; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Shevchenko district/Shevchenko district/22011800; recipient code 37995466; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33217896770011; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “VENBEST-SECURITY 11” (Peremohy Avenue, 90/1, m. Kyiv, 03062, identification code 41803416; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Shevchenko district/Shevchenko district/22011800; recipient code 37995466; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33217896770011; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “VENBEST-SECURITY 12" (Peremohy Avenue, 90/1, m. Kyiv, 03062, identification code 41803421; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Shevchenko district/Shevchenko district/22011800; recipient code 37995466; bank of the recipient GUDKSU in the city. Kyiv; bank code 820019; account number 33217896770011; classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “SOFIYA BEZEMKA” (str. Bogolyubov, building 18, office 10, village Sofiivska Borshchahivka, Kyievo-Sviatoshynskyi district, Kyiv region, identification code 41745192; details for payment of license fee: recipient of Kyiv-Svyatoshynske UK/Kyiv-Svyatoshinsky r-n/22011800; recipient code cha 38010937; bank of the recipient of the GUDKSU in the Kiev region m. Kyiv; bank code 821018; account number 33216896770356; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “VENBEST-POLTAVA” (10 Bogdan Khmelnytskoho Blvd., st. Poltava, 36004, identification code 41701375; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in the city. Poltava/m. Poltava/22011800; recipient code 38019510; GUDKSU recipient bank in Poltava region; bank code 831019; account number 33215896770002; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “M @КСИМА” (str. Zhivova, bud. 32-A, m. Ternopil, 46008, identification code 41748979; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in the city. Ternopoly/m. Ternopil/22011800; recipient code 37977726; GUDKSU recipient bank in Ternopil region; bank code 838012; account number 33218896770002; classification code 22011800);

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE “REDUT GUARD” (Poshtovoy lane, bud. 2, m. Kharkiv, 61001, identification code 41762946; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in Moscow district/m. Kharkiv Moskovsky r-n/22011800; recipient code 37999607; GUDKSU recipient's bank in Kharkiv region; bank code 851011; account number 33212896770007; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “KARABINER GSHR” (str. Lustdorf Road, 101, m. Odessa, 65088, identification code 41761277; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in the city. Odessa/Kyivskyi raion/22011800; recipient code 38016923; GUDKSU recipient bank in Odessa region; bank code 828011; account number 33214896770005; classification code 22011800);

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “GROZA-YUG” (str. Fontanskaya road, 123, office 5-P, m. Odessa, 65016, identification code 41799080; details for payment of license fee: recipient of the UC in the city. Odessa/Kyivskyi raion/22011800; recipient code 38016923; GUDKSU recipient bank in Odessa region; bank code 828011; account number 33214896770005; classification code 22011800).

2. Department of Communication (Shevchenko A. B.) ensure the publication of the order on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs following the day of the decision of the working day.

3. Licensing Administration (Kamyshanov V. I.) to ensure control over the execution of this order.



Deputy Minister


T. AND. Kovalchuk