Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 18.03.2004 № 300 “On the reorganization of the Shayan branch of the Medical Rehabilitation Center “Pearl of the Carpathians” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”




18. 0 3. 2004 m. Kyiv № 300


On the reorganization of the “Shayan” branch of the Medical Rehabilitation Center “Pearl of the Carpathians” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine



In order to increase the social protection of workers, pensioners, veterans of internal affairs bodies and in connection with the reconstruction of the “Shayan” branch of the Medical Rehabilitation Center “Pearl of the Carpathians” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,




  1. To reorganize the branch “Shayan” of the Medical Rehabilitation Center “Pearl of the Carpathian” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine into the Medical Rehabilitation Center “Shayan” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 50 beds for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system with a boarding house for 50 beds and a resort clinic.
  2. To approve the staff of the Medical Rehabilitation Center “Shayan” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the list of changes in the states and staffing limits of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Medical Rehabilitation Center “Pearl of the Carpathian” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the “Shayan” branch of the Medical Rehabilitation Center “Pearl of Precarpathia” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Appendices 1-3).
  3. Approve the Regulations on the Medical Rehabilitation Center “Shayan” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Annex 4).
  4. Control over the execution of the order will be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Povazhnyuk V. G.


Lieutenant General of the Militia M. IN. Belokon

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 27.09.2016 №968

Provisions to Order No. 968