Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 17.08.2016 No. 843 “On the organization of periodic pre-flight and post-flight medical examinations of drivers of vehicles”





17.08.2016 m. Kyiv № 843



About the organization of the event

every change of pre-flight and

Post-flight medical examinations

drivers of vehicles



In compliance with Article 45 of the Law of Ukraine “On Road Traffic”, Order of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of January 31, 2013 No. 65/80 “On Approval of the Regulation on Medical Examination of Candidates for Drivers and Drivers of Vehicles”, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 22, 2013, under

No. 308/22840, and for the purpose of streamlining the periodic pre-flight and post-flight medical examinations of vehicle drivers





  1. National Police of Ukraine (Dekanoidze H.):


1) to provide permanent special premises at car companies and units of patrol police for conducting regular pre-flight and post-flight medical examinations of drivers;


2) equip the specified room in accordance with the Schedule of equipping a permanent special room for conducting periodic pre-flight and post-flight medical examinations of drivers of vehicles specified in Appendix 2 to paragraph 4.3 of section IV of the Regulations on the medical examination of candidates for drivers and drivers of vehicles approved by the order Ministry of Health and Ministry of Internal Affairs dated 31.01.2013 No. 65/80, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 22, 2013 under No. 308/22840;


3) conclude an agreement on the control of the health of drivers with state and municipal health institutions at the place of deployment of motor vehicles and garages with the number of vehicles less than 50 units in the absence of a health facility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in these areas.


  1. The Department of Health and Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (V.I. Box) to organize:


1) conducting periodic pre-flight and post-flight medical examinations of drivers of police vehicles in accordance with section IV of the Regulation on medical examination of candidates for drivers and drivers of vehicles, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 31 January 2013 No. 65/80, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 22 February 2013 according to №308/22840:

in motor companies that have 50 or more units of vehicles — medical personnel, the allocation of which by health institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out in accordance with the territorial principle;

in garages where the number of vehicles is less than 50 units — on the basis of health facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with territorial affiliation;


2) training of medical workers in the methods of conducting periodic pre-flight and post-flight medical examinations of drivers of vehicles.


  1. Control over the execution of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister — Head of Staff Takhtai O.V.

Minister A.B. Avakov