Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 05.12.2000 No. 838 “On the reorganization of sanatoriums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and their branches”; (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 07.02.2013 No. 108)




0 5.12. 2000 m. Kyiv № 838


About the reorganization of sanatoriums

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and their branches



in order to ensure the rehabilitation of patients in health care facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. priority in providing medical care to workers. disabled people. veterans. pensioners of internal affairs bodies and members of their families. as well as providing them with qualified medical care,




  1. Reorganize from 01.01.2001p.:

1.1. Specialized sanatorium “Mirgorod” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 202 beds for patients with digestive diseases in the medical rehabilitation center “Myrgorod” for 100 beds for patients with digestive diseases. boarding house with 102 beds and a resort clinic (m. Mirgorod of Poltava region).

1.2. Specialized sanatorium “Pivdenny Bug” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 170 beds for patients with diseases of the nervous system. organs of circulation and movement in the medical rehabilitation center “Pivdenny Bug” for 100 beds for patients with diseases of the nervous system. organs of circulation and movement, boarding house for 75 beds and the resort clinic (m. Khmilnyk of Vinnytsia region).

1.3. Specialized sanatorium “Sokil” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 205 beds for patients with respiratory diseases of a non-tuberculous nature (including 40 children's beds) to the medical rehabilitation center “Sokil” for 100 beds for patients with respiratory diseases of a non-tuberculous nature. boarding house with 105 beds and a resort clinic (Sudak Autonomous Republic of Crimea).

1.4. Specialized sanatorium “Pearl of the Carpathians” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 505 beds for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. liver and kidneys to the medical rehabilitation center “Pearl of the Carpathians” for 200 beds for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver kidneys and kidneys, a boarding house with 200 beds and a resort clinic (m. Truskavets of Lviv region).

1.5. specialized sanatorium “Kremintsi” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 100 beds for patients of general therapeutic profile to medical rehabilitation center “Kremintsi” for 50 beds for patients of general therapeutic profile. boarding house for 50 beds and resort clinic (Tatariv Yaremchansky village district of Ivano-Frankivsk region).


1.6. Specialized sanatorium “Alupka” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 40 beds for patients with respiratory diseases of a non-tuberculous nature in the medical rehabilitation center “Alupka” for 40 beds for patients with respiratory diseases of a non-tuberculous nature (m. Alupka Autonomous Republic of Crimea).


1.7.·Boarding house with treatment “Burevisnyk” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with 320 beds of general therapeutic profile in medical rehabilitation center “Burevisnyk” for 150 beds of general therapeutic profile, boarding house with 170 beds and resort clinic (m. Evpatoria Autonomous Republic of Crimea).


1.8. branch “Shayan” for 36 beds of the sanatorium “Pearl of the Carpathians” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs in the “Shayan” branch for 18 beds of the medical rehabilitation center “Pearl of the Carpathians” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for patients with diseases gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs, 18-bed boarding house and resort clinic (p. Shayan Khust district of Transcarpathian region).


1.9. branch “Zatoka” for 150 beds of boarding house with treatment “Burevisnyk” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of general therapeutic profile to the branch “Zatoka” for 75 beds of medical rehabilitation center “Burevisnyk” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of general therapeutic profile and boarding house for 75 beds (village Zatoka Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district of Odessa region).


1.10. specialized children's sanatorium “Emerald” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 250 beds in the holiday season and for 130 beds in the off-season for the treatment of patients with respiratory diseases. circulation to the children's medical rehabilitation center “Emerald” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 100 beds for the treatment of patients with diseases respiratory system. circulatory system, a boarding house with 151 beds and a resort clinic (m. Evpatoria Autonomous Republic of Crimea).


  1. Heads of sanatoriums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and their branches;.


2.1. until 15.12.2000. to develop regulations on medical centers and their branches, submit them for approval to the Health Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


2.2. by December 31, 2000 to prepare the necessary documentation of medical centers and their branches, to carry out registration in the prescribed manner.


2.3. Provide to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine within 5 days the schedules of arrivals for 2001 and the plans of bed-days of medical rehabilitation centers and their branches.


3.1. The Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Petrashu O.V.) within 5 days to submit proposals for organizational and staff changes in the states of medical rehabilitation centers to the GURUS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

3.2. To the Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Petrasha O.V.) by December 15, 2000, to provide the FIU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Romanov V.M.) with the staff records of medical rehabilitation centers. statutes and drafts of estimates of income and expenses for 2001.

4.903 (Petrashu O.V.). FEU (Romanova V.M.) and GUROS (Kurku M.N.)

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to revise the schemes of salaries of employees of medical rehabilitation centers, statutes and draft estimates of income and expenses for 2001.

5. To be considered invalid. orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine from 02.10.2000 N 666 and from 17.10.2000 N 706.

b. Control over the execution of the order will be entrusted to the Deputy Minister Colonel-General of the Militia Podolyak A.M.



General of the Internal Service of Ukraine Y. F. Kravchenko

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 07.02.2013 № 108