Information on the status of consideration of requests for information in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the first quarter of 2022

Total number of requests for information received 677
Number of requests for information received mailed 328
by phone ! 0
by fax ! 0
email 349
personal reception ! 0
from representatives of the media 104
from citizens 299
from legal entities 239
from associations of citizens without the status of a legal entity ! 35
Result of consideration of requests for information Satisfied 420
sent to the appropriate information managers 126
denied ! 0
Clarifications provided ! 128
is being worked out ! 3
The most requested types of information

Legal information — 146;

personal information — 288;

statistical information — 50;

information about work, services (goods) — 82;

other information about the activities of the OVS — 17;

Other types of information — 94