In Odessa region, border guards detained persons who tried to illegally transfer men to Moldova

08.10.2022 15:35

Border guards of the Podolsk and Belgorod-Dnestrovsky border detachments, implementing operational information, stopped the illegal transfer to Moldova of 4 Ukrainian citizens of legal age.

The transportation of residents of Kyiv, Kharkiv, as well as Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa regions was facilitated by an organized group of persons who, through closed telegram channels, selected those who wanted to illegally leave the country. In the future, they covertly transported such persons by detours to border settlements, from where they guaranteed and ensured their transportation along the “green” section of the border to Moldova.

Two members of the criminal group were detained near the border near one of the border settlements of the Borodinsky community of the Bolgrad district, in the south of Odessa region. The attackers estimated their services at $5,000 for each evader.

Law enforcement officers initiated criminal proceedings under Part 3 of Art. 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Taking into account the qualifying signs of the actions of suspects, in particular for selfish motives, they face punishment in the form of 7 to 9 years in prison.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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